Friday, July 17, 2015

The Iranian nuclear agreement

I don't think this treaty is nearly as bad as Benjamin Netanyahu or the Republicans would like to make it appear. Is it perfect? Not at all, given that too much toothpaste is already out of the tube, that the Israelis are the largest owners of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the region with their 200 + nuke warhead arsenal.

On the opposite side, the Iranians are a bunch of zealots, stuffed up in theocracy, like their Zionists enemies. Yet, the republicans have been unable to come up with a good alternative except for a massive military intervention – an option also favored by Bibi.

So what to do in the face of all these hurdles? In my view, not let the Iranians get away with the least incursion against the agreement, and punish them extremely harshly for each one of their smallest infraction. If we are able to do this, the clerics will start paying attention and may focus their energies elsewhere.

We need to soberly realize that we're dealing with weasels and religious nuts on all sides of the equation, so we simply must keep their more vicious dogs at bay. This said, I continue to wonder what God was smoking the day he invented religions?

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