Monday, July 20, 2015

When dreams almost get too real!

Early last week, I got operated on. All went well, except for the pain and the recovery process that are part and parcel of any surgical procedures.

At 3 am, this morning, I woke up for no apparent reasons, breaking sweat like I had a major seizure or something, and feeling pain in one of my surgical incisions.

Still half-asleep, I instantly put two and two together, thought that my incision was badly infected and that I was in some imminent danger. Except for my sweating bullets, I had no apparent fever though, and while my wound was hurting, it wasn't unbearable.

Eventually, I calmed down, my pain diminished and I returned to sleep. I probably hurt my surgical booboo while rolling in the bed and my mind went 100 mph to create a potent story that would scare me to hell, make me sweat and wake me up.

Hollywood in my head!

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