Thursday, July 16, 2015

Utah's mountain goats

Twenty years ago, for the first time, I pushed up to Emerald Lake, half-way up to Mt. Timpanogos, an iconic mountain of Northern Utah. I've since then climbed it many, many times.

That July day, I was accompanied by Yannick Chauplannaz, an 18 year old guy from my hometown, in France. He's the one who snapped the picture. He was amazed with our American version of the “Chamois” also known as Mountain Goat, or Oreamnos americanus.

These animals were re-introduced to Utah. Ten of them were brought from the Washington's Cascade Range in 1967. In 1981, the herd size had grown to be around 60 animals. How many are there today? I have absolutely no idea and besides, when we love, we don't count!

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