Monday, June 5, 2017

Vail Resorts vs. Trump

I was impressed to see that Vail Resorts came out and took position against Trump's decision to turn his back to the Paris Climate Accord.

I wished all other ski resort companies had done the same. I went on line on Facebook and took a lot a heat for it, in which pro-Trump or anti-environment ideologues criticized the ski resort company for all the ills of the world.

Well, in case you haven't noticed, our mountain weather temperatures aren't what they used to be. I've seen this devolve in my lifetime and the negative trend is picking up. As bad as mountain resorts are sometime portrayed, they're a breeze compared to the extractive industries do much more damage to the environment.

I was also told that corporate jets that patronize ski resorts are also part of the environmental problem; I frankly think this is a drop in the bucket compared to reviving coal fired power plants.
At any rate, it certainly feels surreal to see Trump join with the Syrian regime and say America doesn't care about the future of the planet and about our children and grand kids' future.

With that say, should we now have to look to countries like China for moral guidance since our president has abdicated responsibility and made America the world's destroyer instead of the savior as it was previously meant to be ?

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