Saturday, November 25, 2017

Why would anyone invest in the ski biz?

The recent flurry of ski resort acquisitions by Vail Resorts and the new KSL/Aspen private equity group often makes me think, “How can seemingly smart people make such terrible business decisions”? It simply puzzles me.

Let's face it. Human-caused warming trend isn't going to stop tomorrow. Today, we've reaping what 5 billion humans already demolished years ago (ca. 1988). Wait tomorrow to witness how today's 7.4 billion will worsen the situation and don't even waste your time picturing what our world will look like after 10 billion have been trampling the planet.

We simply forget that there's a significant time lag between what we witness at a given moment and the time it took place. Even the best intentions and the Paris Accord won't reverse, let alone make a big dent into that gloomy scenario.

This mere thought reminds me the story of that Dutch boy who saved his country by putting his finger in a leaking dike...

These Accords can only slow down and delay the damage, as the end-result is certainly guaranteed to get far beyond what we're experiencing today.

Even though I continue to benefit from the ski industry, I'm so relieved I'm no longer part of it and count on its benevolence to make a living!

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