Friday, September 7, 2018

Death and FoMO

As a person alive, I'm not thrilled by death, but when I dwell on the subject, thinking of it and of its consequences, brings the fear of missing out, aka FoMO, front and center.

That would begin with my family, including spouse, children, and grandson, then would go to my extended family and friends and then, the rest of my entire world, including skiing of course. I would miss the connection and I know what I'm talking about. from of FoMO would be very short-lived and wouldn't be a major issue.
I just left Facebook in April and have experienced lots of FoMO, but so far, have survived it gloriously. Would I feel the same if that happened again in the context of my final exit?

Yes and No.

Yes, for the few moments preceding the transition. No, thereafter, as there would be nothing (good or bad) that justified anything to be missed out. Let me be clear: In the case of no afterlife that would be it and in the case of life after death, I'd check from above and miss nothing.

Conclusion: Any form of FoMO would be very short-lived and wouldn't be a major issue.

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