Friday, September 28, 2018

Who lied?

I watched the entire testimonies of Dr. Blasey Ford and Judge Kavanaugh and concluded that Christine Blasey Ford was more believable than Brett Kavanaugh and therefore was more likely to be telling the truth.

In fact, that meant that my take-away was that Kavanaugh lied under oath in addition to being unable to control his anger. On the plus side, he surely displayed some excellent acting talents.

Today, under pressure from one of their members, Republicans agreed to delay a vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation for one week, to allow for an FBI probe into allegations of sexual misconduct against the judge.

If the man is still confirmed in spite of this, the only remaining hope would be for the press, while it's still free, to do its own investigation in order to unmask his shenanigans.

One can only hope!

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