Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kavanaugh, beer and women

Besides not being able to keep his cool during his latest job interview, we also learned two other critical traits about Judge Kavanaugh during the last Senate hearings: His love for beer and his lack of respect for women.

About his love of beer, the judge said, “I drank beer with my friends, almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer.” He probably could have added “Sometimes we ALL had too many beers”, but he probably forgot about that all too-common and basic combination.

As for his lack of respect for women, this came loud and clear when Senator Amy Klobuchar asked if he had ever consumed so much alcohol that he blacked out, to which he responded, “Have you?” Klobuchar is certainly glad she didn't ask him “Was it your intention to have sex with Christine Blasey?” He might have responded, “What about you?”

To me, these verbal incidents were the last nails into the candidate's coffin and sent a clear message that Brett Kavanaugh belonged more drinking at the corner's bar with beers lined up in front of him, than interpretating the Constitution at the United States' Supreme Court.

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