Thursday, January 10, 2019

Get in shape to ski?

My daughter just shared an article she had seen on CNN about the importance of ski-fitness training. Like most of the time, this article was written by someone who didn't understand much about skiing and its complexity.
Mixing popular images of intense training by champions all the way to keeping a positive mental attitude, the article didn't stress nearly enough the need for good technique and what brings in it to the equation, quality instruction combined with enough repetition or mileage.

Indeed a fundamental good technique combined with repetition, will significantly lessen the need for physical fitness, which the skier may use in dosing the dual “fuels”, or hybrid power, inherent with the practice of skiing: Brute physical force and savvy use of gravity.

This is a subject dear to my heart that I have explained before. The net result being that the more technique one has and the more mileage it collects over time, the less need there will be for shear muscular power!

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