Monday, January 28, 2019

Macron and his “Great Debate”

Starting mid-January and for two month, the French President Macron has launch the “Great Debate”, that will involve himself listening and talking to thousands of mayors, for hours on end, following the demonstrations and questions recently raised by the “Yellow Vests” movement.

There are over 35,000 municipalities in France, ranging from large cities to small villages, and while laudable, that process seems incredibly heavy and inefficient.
I listened to the abbreviated summary of one of them and was struck by the good questions and comments from these local leaders, as well as by their common sense and clear communication style.

Yet, I was struck in contrast by the aloofness and the terribly complicated form of language and muddy communication style of Emmanuel Macron, who sounded like a perfect technocrat.

I bet the resulting gobbledygook didn't play too well among an assembly of common-sense individuals like the French mayors...

To be continued.

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