Saturday, November 14, 2020


It’s exciting to have an early snowy November and even nicer to look forward to skiing next Friday when Park City Mountain opens its slopes for the season. Of course, Covid-19 is bringing a huge number of issues and questions that are likely to make that season’s opening like no others before. 

To prepare for that, I went on a 5 mile walk today, and tested a newly purchased balaclava, that I worn with some goggles to see if I could stand one and a half hour of exercise with a face covering that people normally use to rob banks. 

I found that it did work for me and I’m encouraged that this new germ-stopper is not only likely to protect me against the early winter cold, but also should filter out some of the nasty Novel Coronavirus that is said to make some people very sick or even kill them. 

Just look for a comprehensive on snow test-drive in an upcoming blog!

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