Sunday, November 22, 2020

First day on skis !

Friday November 20 was ski opening day at Park City Mountain (PCM). Boy, was I excited! When I got to the resort, there was a long line at First Time, the chair that gets skiers to the base of the mountain.

o I decided to hike there instead. I got to the based of Payday, the only big chairlift open where there was a pretty sizable line, spaced out as per Covid rules, and when it came my turn to be scanned, I was rejected because I had not made a reservation! 

I thought that such thing was only necessary during what PCM or Vail Resorts call the “core” or high season. Well, I turned back, skied down to the parking lot and went home. 

These few precious first turns were, as you might have guessed… priceless, and I was mightily pissed at Vail Resorts and their stupid reservations system that is fraught with problems and simply doesn't work...

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