Friday, November 13, 2020

Politics: Program vs. Ideology

During this past electoral campaign, ma wife often asked: “Why are more Trump supporters unhappy about his style and his way of running the country? What has he done for them?” 

Frankly, I understood exactly what she meant, but couldn’t find the words or the argument, to answer her questions to her heart content. Then, came the 2020 vote. At this point of time, Biden is credited with 77 million votes, Trump with 72. 

The difference is far from negligible, yet, more than 70 million folks stuck with Trump in spite of his lies, his racism, his cruelty and his lack of managerial acumen. Such a loyalty is both illogical and hard to understand or even explain.

Yet, the answer finally came to me last night as I was ruminating about this despicable creature that Donald Trump is. My thinking went like this: In regular politics there’s always a blend between a given program or platform, and a certain ideology. 

I would suggest than in the case of Biden it could be 60% program versus 40% ideology. Trump, on the other hand, has no program, therefore it’s fair to assume that his entire presidency is made of ideology created out of thin-air. 

Not much different from Jim Jones, this American cult leader that staged a mass-suicide of himself and his followers in the Guyana jungle, at Jonestown, in 1978. 

For the most part, Trump’s followers like simple – I should say crude and infantile – solutions, like institutionalized lying and cheating, good old fashion racism, self-sufficiency, religiosity and white supremacy, to name just a few. 

No reasoning can get through ideology and it remains to be seen how American society can best annihilate this scourge outside of good old education and common sense, but that medication isn’t easily administered!

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