Monday, November 9, 2020


Just four years ago, I was awaking to the Trump nightmare and it’s been suffering and frustration ever since. I can fully appreciate the pain felt by the 70 millions who voted this time for him, even though I can’t justify why they would vote for him.

This ugly demagogue never was my president! The only positive was that we got 48 months that felt like twelve years, which is remarkable when we know how fast time goes by! 

Today, 75 million of us have finally fired this toxic creature. He will stick around like a sore loser until January 20, but then will be free to defend himself before the courts of law and hopefully try his dubious skills elsewhere. 

I suggested used-car salesman, but this is a huge planet, why not have him begin anew in Brazil, North Korea, the Philippines or even Russia? 

Today, I feel totally reborn, can’t wait to live again but I need a long rest from this political drama. I suffer from election fatigue...

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