Sunday, November 8, 2020

Trump, Biden and a cardinal sales rule

The dual between Trump and Biden is reminding us of a key sales strategy which simply revolves about knowing when to shut up. 

It's a fact that star salespeople never forget that they have two ears and one mouth and, as a result, use them in that ratio! 

This of course, was placed front and center during the recent presidential campaign and most particularly during the two debates. Obviously, it lingers on now, as Trump has grown desperate to hang on to a White House that is now eluding him. 

Trump can’t help but blabber, lie and scream. Just like the proverbial story of the obliging frog that gives a ride to a scorpion across a river and get bitten half-way through, because harming is in the venomous animal’s “nature”, Donald Trump’s nature is to talk and what comes out of his mouth is mostly foul, false and nonsensical.

Biden, on the other hand had carried with him the reputation of often “putting his foot in his mouth” when he gets carried away while talking, so he got coached and learned how to apply the “two ears – one mouth ratio” during his entire campaign, and came out looking like a saint and like the decent leader America needs today. 

As for Trump, I wonder if he wouldn’t benefit from an internship on some used car lot. He might still be learning a few things about sales!

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