Sunday, November 1, 2020

My presidential forecast

I know, I hate to have to do this, but I will. Like most Americans, I’m too afraid that it will jinx the outcome of an election that has yet to be finalized, but again, nothing ventured, nothing gained! 

So far, I’ve indicated my preference for Biden over Trump which, if you know me, should come as no surprise to my readers. 

Now, before November 10 or 15, when we’ll know the results for sure, I’d like to give you my take on who is going to win the presidency of the United States. 

At this point, Joe Biden will win by a large margin. Why? 

Mostly for reasons that are Trump’s own narcissistic fault, like his 25,000 lies, his contempt for Covid-19 and the devastating impact of his mismanagement on the country and its population, his laser-thin focus on his base only, his low popularity ratings and his total lack of civility. 

Of course, there’s also the fact that Trump’s running out of cash, his rallies are churning the same old based and get multi-attendance by groupies, just like the Grateful Dead concerts used to. 

Further, polls are confirming all of this, but I predict that Biden’s victory will be much greater than what the public intentions of vote are predicted to be thanks to widespread citizen-fatigue from Don and from an extraordinary turn-out. 

Of course, the fun will begin in November when Donald will show that he’s a sore loser and claim he was robbed of his re-election. 

Expect this kind of dog-and-pony show to linger well into the morning of January 20, 2021, when Trump might have to be removed “manu militari” from the presidential oval office.

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