Saturday, November 27, 2021

Bringing some order to my music files

Between my computers and my phones, I had lots of music files that used to be floating around and as a result, were very difficult to control and enjoy. 

To give you a sense of their number, they range between 10,000 and 14,000 depending on the way I use them. 

We’re talking about digital audio files, mostly under the mp3 format. Some are just music I like to listen to, ranging from songs in all genres and many languages, some instrumental tracks including pop, jazz and classical, and finally some soundtracks that I use for producing my videos.

Last week, I spent most of my free time organizing these various files to the point that it drove me almost crazy. Today, I’m almost done except for some fine tuning that remains to be done and some additions that still have to be made. 

Now, I’m almost ready to relax and listen to some good tunes!

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