Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Leveraging new year’s resolutions

Well used, new year’s resolutions can add a lot to a person’s capital and, over time, have the power of being incredibly transformational. 

Too often, new year’s resolutions are not really planned, but made up hastily, at the very last minute, as the new year gets underway. This might be one reason why these hurried pledges have a hard time “sticking”, and end up “vaporizing” almost as fast as they got formulated. 

Like for any important endeavor, a little bit of planning can make a huge difference in strengthening a resolution. When conceived early enough, resolutions will greatly benefit from an appropriate selection, ample planning and proper mental preparation, making them more likely to succeed.

In the past, all of my new year’s resolutions have never benefited from this kind of attention and too few of them have come through. 

This year though will be different, because I want to turn this popular tradition into a useful and lasting outcome...

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