Thursday, November 25, 2021

Picking the future we like best

As we move forward into our senior years, we often have a little voice that asks: “What do you plan to do with your remaining time on earth?” Many of us ignore that voice and carry one with the usual way of doing things. 

A few though, can’t dare to ignore it; they face it and look at three compelling options: Stay just the same, following the exact, usual ruts, Give a shot at improving or creating new ideas, or projects, and, of course, just do strictly nothing, letting nature take its course and riding the erosive power of time into full decrepitude. 

For me, this is a question impossible to ignore, perhaps because of my guilt-ridden nature or my devastating perfectionism, so I always aim for the big prize, whatever it happens to be inside my mind at the time. If that project can get traction, great.

If it threads water, it might keep me level. I still prefer having a solid margin of safety. I know for sure that if I want things to say the same, this might not quite work, and I’ll slide backwards, riding my own decline. 

Not an appealing option for me!

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