Saturday, February 12, 2022

Are today’s top skiers less self-reliant?

Big upsets aren’t new at the Olympics, but it seems that big names like Shiffrin or Pinturault that stand so large in the public eye are more prone to huge disillusion than ever before. 

Is it because they are inside a bubble with family members, dedicated coaches and an intense media focus? So much so that they find themselves inside a universe that is perverting their better instincts or making them feel entitled to win no matter what? 

We sure are far from the good old days when skiers prepared their own skis themselves and were all equal within a team. 

Today’s superstars are so isolated and so personally assisted that they seem to be less capable of handling their material and psychological issues on the fly, making them so much vulnerable than their run-of-the-mill peers when things go sideways. 

Most importantly I wonder how the regular members of their team view these prima donnas and deal with them inside their tight-knit community and how the team management juggle with these specail athleter demands and yet, try to run a semblance of team if we still can call their collection of needy athletes that way?

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