Friday, February 4, 2022

Where is all my time going?

Winter isn’t a good season in terms of my time that goes so fast. A lot of it goes into skiing. 

Not just pure skiing though! 

There is the “getting ready” part, including getting dressed, gathering ALL my stuff, driving over to the ski area, finding a spot to park (now an impossible task) and repeating that backward after skiing. 

Then there’s the rest of my day that consumes time like a dry sponge soaks up water. 

I have reached a point where it’s difficult to make time for now projects and new activities and I resent it to a large degree. There there’s the unavoidable question: “Should I cut into my skiing?” 

That, to me, is almost sacrilegious and I think that time and aging will, in time, take care of that reduction. As they say about fishing: “Time skiing can’t be deducted from a person’s life!”

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