Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Back in Moab

It’s been several years now, since we haven't been back to Moab, in beautiful southern Utah. 

The pandemic had its way of messing up everything and I didn’t mind the four hour drive on a cloudy Sunday from Park City and was delighted to see once more the famous red rocks cradling that little tourist town of 5,500 people on the Colorado river.

Not much had chance, not even its infamous Brew Pub, its usual crowd, okay beer and disgusting food. 

On our way down to Moab, I reminded my wife, that the first time I had been made aware of that picturesque desert oasis-town, was in the early eighties, when I was becoming to get restless about living on the East Coast and had come across an ad in the “Business Opportunities” section of the Wall Street journal abou that “Country store for sale in Moab”. 

That ad had made me dream of escaping my job with Lange at the time and moving West to a more colorful and wild place. That germinating dream would continue to grow, shape up and eventually become reality, not in Moab, but in Park City!

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