Wednesday, May 18, 2022

One million Covid death in the USA

As the US just past the horrific 1 million death threshold, which in fact is probably an underestimation of the ravages made by the virus, it’s now time to assess God’s preferred country or the “richest (and smartest?) of the planet” compared to other word’s nations. 

It’s not good, especially compared to Canada, its neighbor to the north and its closest culture. Who is at fault for this? To me, that’s crystal clear, it’s both Donald Trump and its Republican supporters. In the US the virus killed almost three times more than in Canada! Explain that one to me? 

Had Trump behaved “normally” he could have easily saved 500,000 to 600,000 lives. Today, we’re horrified at the Buffalo’s white supremacist who just murdered 10 innocent people, but half a million seems no big deal when it comes to Covid-19. Trump ought to be jailed for his cavalier attitude and total incompetence towards that recent health crisis. 

Some European countries like Belgium, Italy and the UK didn’t perform too well either, and France was two-third as bad as the US, but managed to do 25% worse than Germany, its neighbor. True, that was electoral season. 

With it’s laissez-faire approach to the pandemic, Sweden scored more than 3 times more casualties than its well-behaved neighbor Norway, and it’s not just because Australia, Japan and New Zealand are island nations that they did so well. 

The take-away from these sad numbers is that government matters and that good, true democratic governance performs much better than authoritarian, narcissist and incompetent leaders.

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