Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Canyonland National Park

We had visited that Park once before, but not in such detail and by taking so many hikes. What we did for the day, was more than 8 miles hikes around the area, which is a lot, especially factoring some of the rugged terrain we went through. 

That said, the weather was perfect; cool temperatures and beautiful skies as well as reasonable crowds in places that are generally jammed-packed with tourists, with foreign groups conspicuously absent. 

We had a great day, were a bit tired at the end and next time, plan to visit the Needles section of that park. 

We visiter the Shaffer view point, Mesa Arch, Green River Overlook, Grand view point overlook and pushed all the way onto the 1 mile ledge, and finally, hike to Murphy Point.

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