Friday, May 27, 2022

Can America ever move beyond guns?

The last Texas school massacre that left 19 children at an elementary school dead along with two teachers, made any one who is remotely human, sick. 

Except of course the vast majority of Republican politicians that can only recommend “thoughts prayers” against the American fire arm epidemic. They are naively and stubbornly wed to what they said is the sacredness of the second amendment. In fact, they’re afraid of the NRA and a few firearm fanatics from their base. 

They refuse to listen to their constituents since in a recent poll, taken before that tragedy says that 59 percent of respondents said it was “very” or “somewhat” important that elected leaders in the US pass stricter gun control laws. 

Only, 13 percent said it was “not too important” to pass gun restrictions and 19 percent said it was “not important at all.” Finally, nine percent had no opinion or did not know, according to the poll from Morning Consult and Politico.

With no immediate desire of changing its stance on that issue. the Trump-GOP party has now officially become totally insane by remaining desperately stuck to Einstein’s alleged definition of the mental flaw: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 

As for me, it’s past time to dismantle the socially-obsolete second amendment of the US constitution.

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