Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A ten-days goiter?

For those of you who don’t know it, a goiter is an adaptive reaction of the cells in the thyroid gland to any process that blocks its hormone production. While the most common cause of goiter is iodine deficiency, other conditions can cause it. 

I just got one after being stung by a wasp just below the chin, into my neck area. Unbeknownst to me, being stung in that area so close to the larynx and the trachea may swell rapidly, potentially obstructing the airway and causing difficulty breathing. 

All this might lead to shortness of breath or even respiratory failure. To make matters worse, if one is allergic to wasp venom, there might be a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis that can be life-threatening. In addition to breathing difficulties anaphylaxis can include swelling of the face and throat, hives, and a rapid heartbeat. 

The morning following my being stung, as I brushed my teeth I was stunned to see a massive mass of flesh dangling back and forth in my neck area. My wrinkled neck was now smooth and well-rounded! I immediately realized that, by stinging me, the wasp had done some major damage to my usually good looks. I don’t know if the sting hit the thyroid gland but it created a massive swelling, similar to the goiter pictured here.

This incident will have some lasting effects, some ten days of swelling I’m told. Hopefully, I’ll soon recover my wrinkled neck and return to being my true self!

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