Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The path to self-realization (part 6)

The last step in that series is about seeking a sense of calm and tranquility within oneself, even when circumstances are hard or adversarial. Being capable of finding these resources seems super valuable and how to get there is possible with using some of these strategies: 

The first set of skills to help us achieve that state is practicing mindfulness by paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Meditation is another essential practice we should all learn to master to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. 

Then we need to pay close attention to our lifestyles and prioritize our well-being, like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Also limiting sources of stress in our lives and engaging in activities we enjoy, to relax and unwind will help get us there. 

Challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with positive affirmations is another way to get ahead, also focusing on the things we're grateful for and cultivating a hopeful outlook on life will go a long way in bringing inner peace into our lives.

Reaching that state takes time and practice but is absolutely worth it as a personal investment, no matter how old we are and reluctant we may be to learn new things!

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