Sunday, September 1, 2024

Ski season cut short at Mt. Buller

This Australian ski resort wasn’t lucky this winter as far as snow was concerned and today is closing day at Mt. Buller. Usually, skiing lasts well into most of September there, and many times continues into early October. Last year’s closing day already was early as it fell on September 14! 

The season began with very little natural snow, still, Mt. Buller, that had just received an extra TechnoAlpin SnowFactory all-weather snowmaking unit, was put in the strongest position, opening with roughly a mile of trails when everyone else had little if no snow! 

The big change came in mid-July, five or six weeks into the season when heavy snowfall arrived. Some resorts saw more than 40 inches of snowfall in seven days and conditions transformed. Perisher opened all 46 lifts by the third of August thanks to a combination of natural snow and snowmaking. 

Today, the New South Wales are still operating, so is Mt. Buller’s early closing just a fluke or the new shape of things to come? We’ll find out soon enough!

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