Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The beginning of Trump’s end

At last night’s debate, Trump finally received his well-deserved comeuppance, from the prepared, flawless and presidential looking Kamala Harris. 

From the get-go, the 78 years old looked beat-up, woefully unprepared, frozen in place, and incapable of seizing Harris. 

He thought that regurgitating its worn-out rally rants would secure him a second mandate, but it failed to do so. 

Trump is also particularly lazy and doesn’t want to practice as he believes his swagger will suffice to intimidate others. 

Further he was told by his advisors not to be a bully, that means not being himself and he absolutely can’t do that. That’s why he looked so pathetic and lost. 

He finally received all the blows he deserved from a non-white woman!

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