Friday, September 13, 2024

The path to self-realization (part 1)

In the upcoming blogs, we’ll explore and try to understand what goes into self-realization in order to activate them on our behalf. 

At first, there’s self-awareness that means understanding one's own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. This includes recognizing our own strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of behavior. This is how I do it. 

Starting with reflective actions, I’ve created a system I named “Daily Self Debriefing” which is a way for me to review my day before going to sleep. I go over the specific thoughts, feelings and experiences I encountered and pause on anything that is worth remembering and adding to my quiver of experiences, good and bad. When it’s bad, I focus enough on it so I will avoid repeating it in the future. 

I also regularly revisit portions of my past to reminisce and judge my deeds at certain moments and do my best to honestly amend my memories, my image and my personal assessment accordingly. In addition, regular meditation and mindfulness practice help me know myself better and pay more attention to the daily richness of life.

As much as I can manage, I try to be an active listener and I also seek feedback to gain insights on how I’m perceived; not an easy task! In the same spirit, I set myself to learn news things everyday, do things I love, to expand my knowledge and my views. 

Then, I place a major importance on maintaining my physical and mental health as well as setting boundaries, including learning to say “no” to protect my time and energy. 

(To be continued...)

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