Saturday, September 14, 2024

The path to self-realization (part 2)

Today’s building block is self-acceptance, quite a big deal, because it means accepting us the way we are, including what’s positive and negative in us, without judgment or self-criticism. We’re often too tough when we’re criticizing or judging ourselves; instead, we should treat ourselves with as much kindness and understanding as we do for our friends. 

We sometimes must be more lenient when it comes to certain of our flaws. We all have some and we should be aware of them without being too harsh or obsessing about them. Our flaws or mistakes are also great opportunities for learning how to minimize or eliminate them and for personal growth. 

Also, when we do something right, let’s make sure we appreciate and celebrate it, no matter how small it may be. 

We should also filter our negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations and a more outgoing viewpoint. Another good step is to look for positive relationships by spending more time with supportive and uplifting people that share our interests and our values. 

Helping others in need can also provide us a great deal of satisfaction and personal fulfillment. While we try to do all this, let’s make sure we stay in shape by taking good care of our physical and mental health through exercise, healthy eating, and plenty of sleep. 

Let’s just remember that all this takes time and effort to develop and be patient! 

(To be continued...)

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