Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The path to self-realization (part 5)

If there's someone who tries to connect with people, it’s me. Perhaps because I’ve most of my live away from my roots, I’ve always valued establishing and keeping meaningful connections with others and the world. I feel it’s something essential for our well-being and happiness and most research confirm that idea. Here are some strategies to help us establish and maintain stronger connections: 

To start it’s important to practice active listening by paying attention to what others are saying without interrupting and by placing ourselves in their shoes to try to understand their perspective and feelings. It’s another good opportunity to be authentic, show genuine interest into their lives in just be ourselves.

This is particularly true when we share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences honestly in all of our interactions. In many ways, it’s also giving back, in spontaneously contributing to others volunteering our time, offering assistance when it’s needed or performing random acts of kindness to brighten someone's day. 

Most importantly connecting with others and keeping communicating isn’t something for which one should expect total reciprocity. Some may come, but it shouldn’t be seen as a sure thing or even a small possibility. It simply is a gift of caring and of friendship. 

This said, the goodwill and and the positive impact will return multiple times in terms of self-satisfaction and of appreciation on the receiving end. 

(To be continued...)

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