Friday, September 20, 2024

Dr. Peal’s positive thinking

I’m convinced that the Trump we see acting is a by-product of self-regimented positive thinking that tells people anything you want, you can have. This is in fact, Trump’s driving trait, to the point that he turns anything he desires or thinks into a firm belief that he convinces himself of, and never lets anyone tell the contrary. 

He does it, because he isn’t that bright and that mechanism of self-persuasion enables him to disregard doubts, material impossibility, any kinds of obstacles or push anything that advances his agenda. He’d probably kill to get what he wants and would say it was ordered to him by God. In my view, that self-induced belief system is a form of dementia. 

Donald’s overconfidence and self-serving attitudes can be traced to his dad Fred’s obsession with Norman Vincent Peale, a popular self-help author of the 1950s. A clergyman, he wrote “The Power of Positive Thinking” in 1952, that since sold over 7 million copies.

Self-confidence was Peale’s life philosophy. Trump’s father was so mesmerized by Peale’s teachings that he made his family join Peale’s church, Marble Collegiate, in New York City. That’s where Donald married his first wife, Ivana, in 1977. 

Peale’s doctrine proclaimed that one needed only self-confidence to prosper in the way God wanted him to, and that obstacles weren’t permitted to destroy one’s happiness and well-being. Defeat only happened if one was willing to let it. “A sense of inferiority and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes, but self-confidence leads to self-realization and successful achievement,” Peale wrote. 

 Trump’s dad viewed self-doubt as a weakness and passed on that belief to Donald. Even though Peale had a huge following, he had vociferous critics; also known as “God’s salesman” Peale was called a con man because “his simple-minded approach shut off genuine thinking or insight.” 

This probably is a view that perfectly fits Donald Trump, so now you know what’s behind this extremely deranged man.

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