Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Making an easy task difficult...

“Vision Park City” is a process meant to define how we, the citizens, see our little city and its future. This great community exercise, that a group of us are in the midst of preparing, was an undertaking made unnecessarily difficult for the volunteers who signed up for it.

I believe the consultants in charge of the project had no idea how they could obtain the data they needed and asked the volunteers to design a model that would meet their needs. They decided to let them invent a tool they had sold, sight unseen, to the city. This has been a rather laborious process and I feel that we – the volunteers – have been robbed of our time and efforts.

As the product is nearing readiness, the consultants seem now eager to regain control and claim ownership. I wonder who, among the City's decision makers was charged with vetting the consultants and also wonder what goal was presented to them in relation with their assignment?The City should learn from that fiasco, make sure that the deliverables meet the objectives set and take appropriate precautions as similar projects are developed in the future.

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