Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Time to rethink the war on drugs

As the Mexican drug cartels are fighting their battle of influence south of the US border, this should serve as a reminder that our drug policy has been a dismal failure and that it’s perhaps time for some fresh approach. Just like the prohibition of the early previous century, the “war on drugs” is a pipe dream and is never going to be “won.” I’ve long been a proponent of drug legalization and taxation as well as rehabilitation of drug users instead of jail time.

That would cost significantly less money and finally put a dent in these underground economies that are destroying the world from Afghanistan to… the United States. We talk a lot about of thinking “outside the box;” legalizing and controlling drugs would go a long way to bringing society at large into the rule of law. It would be a courageous example of political innovation (another great concept!) and is likely to lead to totally different and positive results. What do you think?

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