Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why innovate?

When asked about how they deal with the current crisis, leaders, whether they're in business or politics, seem to focus on how they're minimizing the blow to the area they're responsible for, how they've been able to salvage what they had and how they've beaten the “average.” Nothing inspiring; they simply want to impress us on how they've been able to cover their rear-end and made it almost unscathed, so far...

Maybe I'm a bit too demanding, but I'm looking for more. I'm hoping for some vision, I want to hear about solutions going forward. That's were innovation belongs; to simply turn things around, shift paradigms and create a new reality capable of stepping us into an improved realm of life. What I find missing with all these “top dogs,” I also find missing all around me, starting with "yours truly." I wonder why we forget to search for alternative solutions to a dreary reality and don't put all of our resources behind these antidotes. The reality is that we've probably grown a bit too “fat” and need to go hungry for a while...

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