Saturday, April 25, 2009

Time. More precious as it flies...

The more time passes, the more it becomes incredibly precious. I'm talking about good time, when all is well; health, family, friends, good fortune and great feelings. This is not a new concept: Scarcity breeds higher value. It may be the most obvious concept in the world, but until that very day I had never visualize it in such an brutal light. My time, your time, everybody's time becomes more precious each passing second. If you're a lawyer, a plumber or a gardener, this might even mean that you should charge more for each passing hour that you are at someone's service.

Of course, this is solely seen from your own perspective, it's your very own time and it's the most valuable to you. The service rendered, due perhaps to your continuously improved skills might be better too, but chances are your client or boss doesn't see it in quite the same light. At any rate whether you're able to sell you time for more or not, you're now warned; it's awfully precious. Starting today, don't squander it anymore!

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