These days, there's a lot of blame to go around. We blame the banking system, the greedy realtors, Cheney and Bush for starting the war in Iraq and the Republican party for being such a bunch of obstructionists, but shouldn't some of us be shouldering a portion of that blame too? Again, instead of looking at one country in particular and pinpointing today as the moment, let's look at the current crisis globally, from a generational point of view and re-frame the question in asking which generation bears the most responsibility for the mess our world is in today.

Are our ancestors who witnessed the industrial revolution the most to blame or is it that generation that sat on the brink of the Great Depression? I'd personally give these groups a big break; they were trailblazers who didn't know any better. The post-World War II generation? Nope, they were under a tremendous pressure to forget and rebuild...
To be perfectly frank, I believe the baby boomer generation is the biggest accessory to the crime that has been perpetrated against Mother Earth. We fought for sexual freedom and for not going to war, leaving that duty to a professional army, we fought for our rights but in the process, often forgot that we had responsibilities, but we totally missed the issue of overpopulation, the number one cause to all of our planetary ills, the fossil energy depletion we've been stubbornly aggravating even though we were well aware of it back in the early 70's and finally, we've been living well over our means for the past fifty years.
I'm not speaking for the Kingdom of Bhutan, but for the United States, Canada, Western Europe and Japan. We've been burning the furniture in order to keep warm and most of our protests have been both convenient and hip. Today, we clamor for grass-fed beef. Shame on us...
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