Sunday, August 21, 2016

The “hovershoes”

Last night, I had that dream about sliding while standing up on a very slight incline and moving down very fast as if I were on a very slippery slope, a little like I used to do it on snow, in my cowboy boots, some 45 years ago.

The difference was that the ground felt like sand and that I had the impression of having an air mattress between it and my feet, just like a hovercraft.
As I barely came out of my slumber, I thought that my shoes were engineered to create that slippery interface by somehow “massaging” the air molecules, breaking them down and allowing them to roll on top of each others, just like ball bearings.

At that point, I thought it would be cool to make this dream happen in reality. Now, I've got my work cut out for me!

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