Sunday, August 14, 2016

Utah's Exceptionalism

America makes a big deal about its exceptionalism, but so should my home state of Utah.

It's a wonderful and very special spot, not just from a picturesque standpoint going from Red Rock to Alpine country, but culturally it's also the Mormon's promised land and the playground of heathens that are increasingly tipping the population balance away from this bizarre set of beliefs. 
That's not all; Utah, and particularly Park City, also enjoys a wonderful climate with 250 sunny days compared with 250 rainy or snowy days in Chamonix, France. As for the humidity, we're dryer than the Sahara desert with an average yearly humidity of 35% compared to 70% in Chamonix.

This sets the stage for the “Greatest Snow on Earth”. Still, we're scarcely populated with only 14 people per square kilometer compared to about 86 in the USA or 150 in Europe, so there's plenty of free space to recreate.

But enough talked about this; in fact, Utah is so cool that I feel the urge to go out and ride my bike!

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