Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to beat Trump in 2020

Often times, my wife tells me she hopes someone will finally beat Trump in 2020.

I respond, “Wishful thinking!” and I go on, saying: “Don't underestimate this devilish character. It will take someone incredibly strong and deft to take on the incumbent president, finding and vetting that individual will be key to unseating Trump”.

The man has shown how he could destabilize and vanquish his 16 co-primary opponents as well as Hillary Clinton by stopping at nothing in the arsenal of insults, innuendos, lies and body language, for which no one seemed prepared or ready to respond.

There's no question that it will take a courageous, strong, daring, charismatic and imposing personality to take the big-mouthed New Yorker and not only that, but someone who can think on their feet, improvise and be ready to fight fire with fire, and in the end, be much more resourceful and aggressive than the man with the orange hair.

Right now, I can't see anyone fitting that high profile; perhaps Beto O'Rourke? If you think I'm wrong, tell me how, and show me who your ideal Trump opponent is (if he or she exists)...

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