Friday, November 23, 2018

Insatiable Carlos?

I'm a big fan of Elon Musk and Tesla, but I've always been impressed with Carlos Gohsn's impressive career path in the car business.

This was of course until earlier this week to my sort-of-countryman got arrested by the Japanese authorities following an investigation triggered by a whistle-blower report.
Sure, Gohsn and his sidekick Kelly who are accused of financial misconduct remains innocent until proven guilty, but these recent revelations show that greed is nothing new and can affect everyone.

I also think that rich and powerful people aren't immune from it and often get confused between their power and their margin of maneuver.

In fact, just like the Facebook's duo Zuckerberg-Sanberg has showed, absolute power corrupts absolutely, too much money wets people's appetite for even more.

A real vicious and disgusting spiral on all counts...

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