Thursday, December 6, 2018

Facebook, “Yellow Vests” and effective reforms

It's pretty obvious that Facebook has been a potent tool in channeling the rage of the Yellow Vest movement and that this social swell has been brewing long before the demonstrations have swept all over France.

True or false, Facebook material has “educated” deep France on the social injustice that is part and parcel of the French system, like politician's huge pay, even larger retirement packages and immigrants or low-life citizens taking advantage of a both generous and lax welfare system.

This coupled with low wages, anemic growth, huge unemployment, big tax cuts for the rich and an unsustainable luxurious safety net have exploded into despair, calls for the current government to get out of the way or even someone like Donald Trump to take over the country.

Clearly, the French quagmire will be hard to fix. From my remote viewpoint, I feel that there are many areas where the French government should begin to act.

Like policing its generous welfare to combat widespread abuse, quit encouraging large families (in developed countries, one kid should be the norm, without worrying about labor needs at a time when a robotic tidal wave is ready to inundate the work place), ask for medical co-pays to control healthcare costs, raise taxes on the super rich and get rid of stupid laws like the 35 hour work week. Will this solve all problems?

Certainly not, but it will prepare my countrymen to make the real sacrifices all developed nations will have to accept sooner than later.

At any rate, the last thing the Yellow Vests want is a leader like Trump!

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