Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Finding my ski legs again

Early ski season is always fraught with doubts, like “will I remember skiing again?”, that we soon find totally baseless, especially when our first turns generally happen on nice or well prepared snow and on easy runs.

What's more subtle and insidious however, is the fact that we tend to behave a bit “lazily” when we begin skiing under more challenging conditions.

That's when things don't work too well and we think “I don't quite have have my ski legs yet”, when in fact we bank in order to turn or take other technical shortcuts to evolve on tricky terrain.

We simply need to remember that on tough terrain technique remains king and that we better pay attention – again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is muscle memory and then there is J.F. ski muscle memory. You will never forget. Happy Stein Eriksen's bday my friend!