Friday, December 21, 2018

What to make of Wall Street?

Because the Nation's general manager is so incompetent and his behavior so unpredictable, the stock market has taken a sick nosedive since early October.

The questions to wonder about are, will it ever stop and if it does, will it regain a fair market value, and when.
The financial service Morningstar offers a fair market value of the stock markets that pegs it at 89% of what should be its real value. Another way to look at it would be to say that, as of now the market has dropped 11% from its fair market value.

My hope and my reasoning is that it will eventually bounce back to its nominal level, but who am I to say this? Back in March 2009 the stock market was down 36% and it eventually rebounded.

This is essentially what keeps me confident and that's good!

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