Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Best President

Since we arrived in America, in 1977, we have been under the rule of seven Presidents. Often time, my wife and I have discussed and try to determine, whom of these seven men has been the best leader and has done the best job. 
  • The clear winner always seem to be George H.W. Bush who passed away yesterday. This is on account of his integrity, humility and common-sense. He was able to make some tough decisions (like a tax hike) even though it would cost him a second-term. 
  • In second, comes Obama with his bright intellectual capacities, great speeches, but unfortunately his inability to “walk the talk” and make hard, courageous decisions (Syria is one sad example). 
  • Third could be Reagan, among the President-Celebrity generation (including Clinton, Obama and Trump). Entertaining personality but below-average intelligence, poor leadership and fiduciary qualities. 
  • Forth in our eyes is Clinton. We never voted for the man as we couldn't quite trust him. A consummate showman and politician. 
  • Fifth, is Carter who meant well, but had no idea what he was doing. He was lucky to compete against Gerald Ford who wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. 
  • Sixth, would be George W. Bush, the idiot and war criminal who started the Iraq war, didn't take care of Afghanistan and beside the thousands of deaths he's responsible for, cost the country trillions of dollars. 
  • Finally, in Seven position is Trump, whom I arbitrarily assigned a negative value. 
 All things being equal, how would your ranking differ from mine?

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