Sunday, December 16, 2018

Pelvic thrust: Digging deeper

This season, it took me about 15 skis outings to get my confidence back. Put it in the account of age or early season snow conditions, but it's not unusual.

What I rediscovered in the last day, however, was my theory of “pelvic thrust” discussed last March, as a way to initiate turns in more difficult terrains and steeper slopes. I was able to observe it last year without fully comprehending the way it worked.

Now, after even explaining it to my wife, I understand it better.

The upward pelvic thrust in the direction of the turn, relaxes an otherwise tensed lower body, loosen up and unweight both femurs, getting both legs inside the new turn in the best position possible, the most natural and expeditious way.

Pelvic thrust is the ticket to all challenging turns and the remedy against “lazy skiing”!

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