Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Simple principles to live by...

I found an article inside Inc. Magazine about some useful guidelines to turn into life habits and while it’s was list of 10 traits, mostly for aesthetics, I guess, those were in a style “don't do this or that” and I turned it into some positive actions instead.
1. Take responsibility 
It’s important to take full responsibility for everything we do and don’t blame other people, circumstances or evn luck instead. In fact, taking responsibility is empowering and the best way to learn and remember a valuable lesson.

2. Relinquish control 
What we decide for ourselves is more important than we expect others to do. The only element we really control is ourselves and we shouldn’t waste our time and energies trying to control others people or circumstance upon which we have no influence.

3. Always stay humble 
It’s not because people like our house, our car or our visible signs of success that they’ll like us. Any good and rewarding relationship should be based on substance and not on material appearances. Let’s learn to truly be just ourselves.

4. Remain flexible 
We must be flexible enough to let go of ideas, concepts or possessions that can get in the way of our making progress and aren’t worth the amount of stress they may create in ourselves. Often, a change of perspective and material conditions can be a healthy way of learning and growing even more.

5. Listen carefully
It’s always tempting to interrupt and we often do it because we don’t want to lose what we think is a precious train of thought or give up on major element we’re attached to. Yet, interrupting is rude and means “I’m more interested by what I want to say than listening to your side of the story.”

6. Solve problems
Whining may feel good to the whiner, but is generally irrelevant to the listener. Complaining is not the direct path to making a bad situation better. It’s actually a waste of time, energy and never fully resolves the situation at hand, which should always be priority number one.

7. Show understanding and compassion 
We’re all different, have different outlooks and live our lives very differently, so who is to criticize what’s different from us and our way of handling our existence? Let’s value the differences instead, and learn from them…

8. Only give advice when asked to 
The older we get, the higher we’ve risen and the more we’ve accomplished, the more likely you are to think you know everything and have the right to tell people how to lead their life. When we speak with more finality than foundation, folks hear us but they don't listen. Only wait to be asked for in order to dispense advice.

9. Live in the present 
Past experience is valuable. Let’s learn from our mistakes and those of others, then let it go. When something bad happens, what a great opportunity to learn something we ignore. When someone makes a mistake, what a good opportunity to be kind, forgiving, and understanding. The past is just training; it doesn't define us.

10. Act with courage
Fear is a big deal that ruins our lives. we're all afraid, of what might or might not happen, of what we can't change, or what we won't be able to do, or how other people might perceive us. This fosters hesitation and missed opportunities, all swallowed by the passing time. Don’t postpone, instead seize the day and do it now!

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