Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Talent, experience, maturity and opportunities

Success is often at the intersection of these four parameters and depending how strong these are, when timing and luck are mixed to the recipe, they can sometime create outcomes ranging from great success to abject failure.

So, in fact, this foursome is nothing without the impact of the right timing and the perfect dose of luck. Sure, you could argue that opportunities contain the elements of luck and timing, but they aren’t necessarily married with them.

In my life, opportunities have often presented themselves when I was sorely lacking in experience and maturity, but it seems that talent made up for the absence of these two elements. Yet, it’s also true that good fortune and perfect timing played the capital role of frosting on the cake.
I won’t dwell on the generous amount of struggle, pain and hard work that were also required, but I guess these were just the extra fuel needed to perfect the picture!

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