Thursday, October 17, 2019

Another (dismal) Democratic Debate

In my view, this 4th Democratic debate was quite disappointing. My main take-away was that the leading trio is getting older faster than regular time would allow for it, and I don’t look forward for another septuagenarian as our next president.

Bernie looks and acts old, Biden wasn’t quite in charge and Warren nervously defensive.

Well, Biden says that “Medicare for all” will cost $3 trillion a year, which is a tiny bit under what health care costs are now in the USA, so there’s not one red cent added to what we’re paying to stay healthy, and it’s just a question of data entry. Who exactly pays for it and how?

As for Warren, she’s woefully incapable of explaining how she’ll pay for all of her programs. Both are definitely not the most reliable calculators on the oval office desk...

The two only “good news”, thank God, so much younger, were Buttigied and Klobuchar, but they better be revving up their engines fast if they want a shot at the nomination. I think Harris is done and both Booker are O’Rourke don’t seem to get any new traction anymore…

The good news though, is that even the worst debater last night is still and far and away more qualified than the clown that currently occupies the White House.

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